
Multi-Vendor integration


Many companies use different types of systems to handle its functions, services, and operations. Having small separate blocks that are not related to each other reduces the business capability to operate on its maximum capacity and efficiency. On the other hand, integrating all business systems to have one centralized hub that collects information from all systems and take educated action, not only maximizes the efficiency but also minimizes the cost and risk.


Akil multi-vendor integration solution allows businesses to integrate all its systems to act as one fabric which is achieved by connecting all systems via logging messages, emails and web calls allowing Akil middleware to do tailored actions based on the business requirements.


Some use cases


  • ◉ Integrate CRM with Managed Engine.
  • ◉ Integrate Network devices with Ticketing systems.
  • ◉ Integrate Self-Service portals with operation devices and systems.

…and more